
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Las Guerras Fresas - The Strawberry Wars


Las Guerras Fresas
The Strawberry Wars, Part One of ....

My God, how we rejoice
in these nearly unnatural fruits,
with their uniform large size and
their extended growing season.

... these delicious fruits grown in desert valleys
owned by mutual fund, stock holding,
corporate farmers,
like you and me.

... grown in desert valleys made green
with federally subsidized water paid for and
pumped down from mountains by people
like you and me.

... sprayed with toxic wastes reclassified
as fertilizers by chemical bureaucrats
appointed by Senators and Congressman
that were voted in, or not, by people
like you and me

Yet these lush and juicy berries
are brought to market on the backs
of brown people working for bordertown wages
trying to make a life at slaving wages
permanently bent over by middle age
and we would like to fence them out
these people
like you and me

Will you pick them?

Alien or not, illegal or not we've already paid
much too dearly for this tasty toxic priviledge.

We might have our strawberry shortcake,
but can we eat it, too?

Las Guerras Fresas
The Strawberry Wars, Part Two

Does it matter if what I say, nickel for nickel is true?

The part about slave labor wages
and toxic waste, puppet politicians
and the very few
rich corporate farmers
subsidized by us; owners by mutual proxy

What if california never does slide into the ocean floor?
What if the Imperial Valley remains salt-free?
What if we discover fertilizer really is good for us?

Will the strawberry wars ever be over?
Or will it bring an endless stream of POW's and MIA's
and us among the dissappeared, marching to hell
with strawberry grins and whipped cream lips
and shortcakes in our hip pockets


Las Guerras Fresas
The Strawberry Wars, Part Three

Wal-Mart Redefines Organic Thru Lobbying and Legislation
Monsanto Outlaws Home gardening
and buys the old Blackwater mercenary team

You will eat what we feed you.
We know where you live.


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