
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Four Shorties


nothing to it
(Hobo Daze Anthem)

when there’s nothing to do
and nowhere to go
I go there and do that

no promise but proximity
no direction but desire

nothing to it


The Alphabet Soup
Conversion Kit  - $9.95

you wonder
if you won’t
some day be
in to a can
with your spoon
well in hand ...

you stand in a field
the wind blows
thee oats are sowing you
isn’t that wild?


- Postcard -

Delmar is almost always
on vacation. He’s
on one right now. He’s
sending you a postcard
from your own home town.
Yr reading it.
The weather is fine. He
wishes you were there.


Three’s a Trio

We’re not waiting for
the other shoe to drop,
the fat lady to sing or
the cows to come home.

We’re putting the last screw
in this three-legged grief.

A wide and wild ranger,
Guzman’s gone at sixty-three.


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