
Friday, June 21, 2013

Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden is Closed

We're tighty, we're mighty,
we're righter than righty,
and now almost everyone knows,
we'll arm or disarm you at the drop of a hat,
but the Garden of Eden is Closed


Down at the mouth of the Tigris Euphrates,
is an old eucalyptus palm tree,
 this is the place, they say with bald face,
 where God kicked out Adam and Eve


We bombed them back to Old Purgatory,
we kicked their ass in the sand,
now our stadium's full
with the red, white and bull,
seems like God's got a flag in his hand


But God and the Devil are playing strip poker,
They both have five aces and very long sleeves,
and you're sitting there, in your underwear,
wondering when you get to deal.


Yeah,  God and the Devil are playing strip poker,
while evil is being undone,
you're sitting there in your underwear, man,
this ain't looking like fun

Last Chorus

We're tighty, we're mighty,
we're righter than righty,
and now almost everyone knows,
we'd like to do more for the poor and all that
but not while there's oil in the hose.


A 3 chord, country-western style lament regarding the war
© David L. White 2003

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