
Monday, June 29, 2015

Moment - #3 Revised


Moment by moment / the background chatter  / softened to white noise
the tick-tock stopped / the room fell away

We held one another  / as if there were  / nothing else to do

Moment by moment / time melted away and / eternity blossomed

A thousand people came through  / hundreds were in the room,
dozens and dozens of times  / the single story retold

the cleanup begins while  / the somber celebration  / comes to a close

finally we took our  / time together / relaxing ... breathing ... healing

For all the hugging that day 


no condolence given / no story told / no squeeze of elbow
no patting there there / no sighing / no crying / no tears

The next several days / that blossom held sway / the fragrance
arresting . attesting

days later while / the blossom still bloomed / I called her to find
I was not alone in that room


For MP
DLW © 2015

#3 Revised June 29 2015

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